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What Is Dioxin?

Dioxin is a group of highly toxic chemicals that are a by-product of industrial processing using chlorine to manufacture herbicides and pesticides, process pulp and bleached paper products (including the raw materials for feminine care products) as well as incinerate waste.

Dioxin is considered a Persistent Organic Pollutant, POP for short, that slowly over time accumulates in our bodies. This pollutant is carried in the air and in our water systems as well, which affects the entire food chain and planet. Dioxin is not only present in feminine care products, but most paper products we use including napkins, paper towels, tissues, make-up removal pads, toilet paper, diapers, etc.

 you are exposed to Dioxin; a persistent organic pollutant, you may develop endometriosis & hurt your childbearing life

If you are exposed to pollutants from Industrial chemicals; pthalates, Bisphenol A, Herbicides, Pesticides, Processed pulp, Bleached paper products, Feminine care products, you may endanger your fertility & Childbearing life.

E-waste linked to decreased fertility hormones in Nigerian men

Hormones vital for reproduction are "significantly lower" in men who work with toxic-filled electronic waste

Nigerian men who work with electronic waste have much lower levels of crucial fertility hormones than men unexposed to the waste, according to a new study.

The research, conducted in Benin City in southern Nigeria, suggests toxic metals and other contaminants in e-waste are reducing levels of key hormones in men in developing countries and could contribute to reduced sperm levels, and cause damage to the sperm's DNA, stability and ability to fertilize eggs.

"Three key hormones controlling [production of mature sperm] were significantly lowered in the exposed studied group, the decrease in the hormones ... may result in low sperm count and infertility," the authors wrote in the study published this month in the peer-reviewed journal Universa Medicina.

The researchers tested 63 e-waste workers and 41 men who did not work with e-waste. The e-waste workers had high levels of multiple toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, mercury, lead and cadmium. These metals are all endocrine disruptors—meaning they interfere with the proper functioning of hormones.

The waste workers also had lower levels of multiple hormones: luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormones, testosterone, progesterone, prolactin and estrogen.

Prof. Oladapo Ashiru is right. Everyone should get a natural fertility cleanse. (Natural Preconception Programme)

This makes perfect sense, improve your health with natural supplements and improve your cellular health and function. This in turn improves the health of your reproductive organs and their function, directly affecting your fertility.

World renowned IVF & Fertility expert; Prof. Oladapo Ashiru has reiterated the need for natural fertility supplementation. Every TTC mums & dads should begin a Natural Preconception Programme)

In women, Natural fertility cleanse/ detox program will help to

~ to increase circulation to the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes
~ to promote hormonal balance by strengthening the hormonal feedback loop.
~ to help the uterus to rid itself of old stagnant blood and tissues.
~ to bring fresh oxygenated blood to the uterus.
~ to bring fresh oxygenated blood to the ovaries and prevent egg DNA damage 
~ to help strengthen the uterine muscles.

In men, amongst the 10 causes, there are two major root causes of low sperm or nil sperm count. 
1. Moderate or heavy growth infection 
2. High FSH, high Prolactin or low Testosterone.

Natural fertility cleanse/ detox program will help to

~ to increase circulation to the male reproductive organs.
~ to promote hormonal balance by strengthening the hormonal feedback loop.
~ to bring fresh oxygenated blood to the penis & strengthen the penis muscles for sustained erection.
~ to bring oxygenated blood to sperm duct & sperm cells and effect sperm DNA repair
~ It helps to get rid of toxins that causes scarring or blockage of the vas deferens (sperm duct) leading to Azoospermia.

What To Do?
Cleanse! Cleanse! Cleanse!
Detox! Detox! Detox!

Get A Natural Fertility Cleanse Today!

Fertility Cleansing Herbs
Fertility cleansing herbs includes: anti inflammatory herbs, circulatory herbs, anti- oxidant herbs etc

The herbs, vitamins and minerals in the cleanse will assist your body to release toxins safely by:

⏩ Get Rid Of Liver Toxins

The liver is the filtering organ of the human body. It also has other important functions like fatty acid metabolism (breaking down of fats including hormones), sugar metabolism (maintaining optimal blood sugar levels), and protein metabolism. 

You can see how proper liver function can address hormonal balance, proper blood sugar levels often associated with PCOS and proper protein metabolism important for enzymatic function needed for proper body metabolism, conception, and pregnancy.

⏩ Get Rid Of Uterine Debris

Cleansing the uterus is vital for proper pregnancy, such has effective embryo implantation, placental health during gestation, and proper uterine contraction during childbirth.

Regular cleansing also helps maintain better bladder function, reduce yeast, preventing urinary blood infections, and constipation. 

Yes! Doing a fertility detox before conception will make your labor easier and less painful by strengthening your uterus. 

In some women suffering from PCOS, irregular menses, anovulatory cycles, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or fibroids, the uterus is not able to empty its contents completely each month, so doing a fertility cleanse is vital for them.  

If the uterus is not completely cleansed every cycle, old stagnant blood and uterine cells remain, leading to more problems related to infertility and increased risk of miscarriage.

Women who suffer from recurrent miscarriages benefit greatly from doing a fertility cleanse for the purpose of clearing the way to healthy pregnancies and babies. 

⏩ Increase Circulation To The Uterus and Ovaries

When the uterus receives proper blood flow, it can function at its best and the hormonal messages loop between the uterus and ovaries within the endocrine system will function efficiently.  


UNO Kryptorganic contains:
> Chlorella Sorokiniana
> Chlorophyll 
> Peroxisome proliferator Activated Receptors (PPARs)
> Chorella Growth Factor (CGF)

UNO Prime Juice contains:
> Mangosteen
> Goji Berry

UNO Sante8berries contains:
> Acai Berry
> Goji Berry
> Blackberry
> Blueberry
> Cranberry
> Noni, Mangosteen
> Pomegranate
> Watermelon, Green tea

UNO Ultima C contains:
> Sodium Ascorbate 
(Vitamin C)

Acai berry & Egg Quality

Your body makes chemicals called antioxidants whose purpose is to be there to capture and neutralize free radicals when they are formed. Since free radicals only exist for an instant, it is important that these antioxidants are always around. 

Unfortunately, most of us don’t make enough of these little protectors. That’s why foods that contain antioxidants are believed to be so healthful. Not only can they provide us with these chemicals that we need but they can do so when they would be most useful—during digestion. 

There is evidence that berries of the Acai—a palm tree grown primarily in northern Brazil—may be able to tip the delicate balance in your favor and therefore protect your ovaries from damage.

Studies suggest that Acai berries may contain more antioxidants than blueberries, raspberries or any other potent natural antioxidants. Additionally, the juice contains healthy omega-3 fatty acids suggesting that this may be another means by which it may provide health benefits. 

To date, one on-going study suggested that women that had failed IVF due to poor egg quality; had an improved outcome after taking an Acai supplement prior to their next attempt. The two to three months prior to an egg’s release represent the time when it is most susceptible to harm. 

Therefore if you have a low ovarian reserve and/or a history of poor egg quality; you should consider taking an Acai Supplement. A convenient dosing schedule is 1000 mg taken twice each day. 

It’s no secret that eating your recommended DAILY intake of fruits and vegetables has amazing health benefits. 

What some of us may not know is that berries contain rich sources of Vitamin C, E, L Carnitine antioxidants and eating antioxidant and vitamin-rich fruits may help improve his sperm count and motility.

Antioxidants – Studies have shown that antioxidants may reduce the amount of oxidative DNA damage to our reproductive cells. Oxidative DNA damage is caused by oxidative stress and is to blame for some unexplained subfertility issues such as low sperm count (Oligospermia). 

A fairly recent study reported a statistically significant increase in pregnancy success rate in the participants taking antioxidant supplements compared to the control group.

Vitamin C – The Cleveland Clinic reviewed current literature on the effects of antioxidants on male fertility; the ability to improve fertilization and pregnancy rates. The results of all the research reviewed showed that Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Carnitines have successfully shown to be effective to augment “first-step” treatments. 


✔ Fights UTI & Other infections
✔Helps control BLOOD PRESSURE
✔ Helps prevent gestational high blood pressure (pre eclampsia)
✔ Boost Sex Drive
✔ Aid in pregnancy
✔ Decrease risk of impotency
✔Helps lower cholesterol
✔Helps stabilize BLOOD SUGAR levels in diabetic people
✔ Prevents gestational diabetes in pregnant women.
✔Helps in the TREATMENT of CANCER
✔Helps Improve EGG Health & Viability

Berries for fertility! Blueberry (a “superfood”), Blackberry, Raspberry, Acai berry, Cranberry, Strawberry, Noni, Goji berry, Pomegranates!

Supercharge your defenses with Sante8Berries. Indulge yourself with the powerful health benefits of its 8 berries found on earth with the highest antioxidants ever, contained in one capsule!

> Acai-berry, Goji-berry, Blackberry, Blueberry, Cranberry
Noni, Mangosteen , Pomegranate, Watermelon and Green Tea

> Anti-aging, Strengthening Immune system, Enhancing energy, 
Increasing libido, Fighting several illnesses

> Has ellagitannins/ punicalagins (free radical scavenger) antioxidant
> Helps regenerate cells
> Skin protector (against sun damage)
> Needed to produce youthful skin
> Nourishes dry skin
> Promotes blood circulation

> Has a lot of phytochemicals including lignans, oligo and polysaccharides, fatty acids, cathechins and alkaloids.

> Nutrition dense product
> Anti-inflammatory
> Moisture retention
> Acne reduction
> Helps reduce signs of aging

> it has a lot of phytochemicals including anthocyanins, ellagic acid  and quercetins.
> Protects the skin from UV lights
> Reduces macular degeneration
> Relieves common symptoms of PMS ( hot flashes)
> Digestion and maintaining bowel regularity
> Helps patients with diabetes
> Aids in the absorption of calcium
> Helps in the repair of skin

> Source of polyphenols like proanthocyanidins, flavonoids and quercetins.

> Has anti aging properties
> Firms up the skin/toner
> Treats acne
> Prevents psoriasis
> Promotes hair growth
> Immunity booster

> It has polyphenols like procyanidins, vanillic acid, syringic acid and ferulic acid.

> Improves cellular health
> Anti aging effect
> Promotes skin health
> Immunity builder
> Energy booster
> Aids in weight loss

> It contains Xanthones and other phytochemicals with antioxidant properties.

>Provides resistance against viral infections
> Plays important role in the evolution of cells
> Promotes red blood cell production
> Reduces cholesterol level
> Repairs damage cells
>Anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral

> Contains carotenoids including beta-carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein  and lycopene 

> Slows down the aging process(promotes longevity)
> Protects your eyesight
> Improves sleep pattern
> Relieves stress
> Improves circulation and boosts immunity

> It has polyphenols and caffeine shown to induce thermogenesis and fat oxidation, it also has a lot of enzymes, amino acids and carbohydrates.

> Improves brain function
> Increase fat burning and improves physical performance
> Lowers risk of DM II
> Lowers total and bad cholesterol

> Special kind of berry with polyphenols

> Reduces oxidative stress (lycopene)
> Promotes stronger bones
> Anti-inflammatory/neutralizes free radicals
> Prevents macular degeneration(lutein)
> Has citrulline which reduces fat accumulation

~ has Chlorella Sorokiniana that is superior to all blood cleansing agents ever formulated. It's effect is like a stem-cell procedure. 

The HIGH QUALITY KYRPTORGANIC Tablets contain a superior nutritional value and it’s naturally occurring lipids for activating alpha, beta, and gamma PPARs. KYRPTORGANIC is formulated from microalgae with exceptional source of PUFA. 

These microalgae are cultivated by the world largest microalgae manufacturer so that the PUFA produced is at an optimal rate and conditions. The microalgae include Chlorella Sorokiniana, Spirulina, and Crypthecodinium Cohnii. (The Green, The Blue, and The Red microalgae).

UNO Kryptorganic contains abundant Per-oxisome Proliferator Activated Re-ceptors (PPARs). A variety of micro nutrients not found in any other chlorella strain, including high amounts of all three natural forms of alpha (helps liver, heart & bones), beta (helps skin, bones& muscles) and gamma (helps lipid, colon & other organs). Supreme whole food concetrate & storehouse of concentrated nutrients. 

Richest source of CHLOROPHYLL “ Nature's Healer” the most powerful blood cleansing agent & it detoxifies the bowel, kidney & liver. Richest source of Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) “ long life factors”, enhancer of immunity, retardant of aging, stimulates tissue repair & improves nutrients intake. 

Richest source of natural PPAR Agonists - the most promising biomedical mlecule for metabolic syndrome, anti-inflammation, and cancer in the 21st century.

Can be taken by a pregnant women (after trimester), children, breastfeeding moms, people with sickness like diabetis, hepatitis, cancer, etc.

1 tablet of Kryptorganic is like drinking 2 to 3 glasses of milk. 
5 tablets to Kryptorganic is like eating 1 kilo of green-leafy vegetables.

It can do the following: 
_C_ leanses blood
_E_ nergizes cells
_L_ ower cholesterol
_L_ ose weight

_R_ egulates blood sugar
_E_ nhances libido
_P_ rotects liver & liver
_A_ nticancer
_I_ mproves brain/ nerve function
_R_ ejuvenates cell

_G_ rowth enhancer
_R_ educes stress
_A_ lkalizes cells
_B_ uilds strong immune system
_E_ xtends good, healthy life.

-- made up of blue green algae with fish like and grass pleasant odor due to high chlorophyll content

●best blood cleanser and detoxifier for kidney, liver and blood vessels
●assist in production and purification of blood
●aids in body waste excretion

•protein with anti-oxidant and antiviral properties
•has the ability to inhibit infection caused by enterovirus and influenza virus
•anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotectant properties

Chlorella Growth Factor- CGF
●aids in repair of damaged genetic material in cells
●slows down ageing process
●promotes height and weight gain in children

Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptors (PPAR)
•variety of micronutrients
•potential dyslipidemic, hypoglycemic
•anti-neoplastic tumors
•effective against metabolic disorders such as obesity, Diabetes Mellitus and cardiovascular conditions (MI, Stroke)
• a natural source of multivitamins.


Chlorella – Superfood for Vibrant Health & Fertility

It has incredible protein concentration and accelerated growth rate. 

For Immune Boosting
Additionally, chlorella is known for its capabilities in enhancing the immune system and fighting infection, especially within the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. 

This super nutrient operates specifically within the GI tract, combating ulcers, colitis, diverticulosis as well as Crohn’s disease. But its benefits are not solely digestive; Chlorella has been shown to promote bacterial balance, fight bacterial and viral infections, regulate body levels such as cholesterol and blood pressure, and limit the spread of cancer. 

For Cleansing/ Detoxification

 While your body is naturally able to excrete many harmful pathogens and chemicals, chlorella’s size and unique properties allow it to play a vital role in this process. Chlorella’s molecular structure allows it to bond metals, chemicals as well as various pesticides, therefore removing them from your body’s main pathways. 

Mercury is a potent toxin and heavy metal which has detrimental effects on children, fetuses, and pregnant or nursing women. Since chlorella is so successful in reversing its damage, it has certainly risen to become a powerful tool for fertility. 

For Egg Health & Sperm Health
Not only does chlorella aid fertility because of its detoxification wonders, it is also considered to be a fertility superfood! Chlorella actually supports the process of ovulation in women while boosting sperm count and quality in men. This micro algae cleanses the body and restores hormonal functioning in order to prepare it for a baby. 

Taking chlorella is an additional way of supporting your body’s good health. Because chlorella is a food-based supplement that is not chemically processed, it is safe to take while trying to get pregnant.



Goji Berry

Prime Juice combines the health benefits of both the King of fruits; Goji Berry & the Queen of fruits; Mangosteen

- Its Mangosteen content gives it a very potent antioxidant and a powerful anti inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties.

- It contains more than 40 biologically-active, natural chemical compounds called Xanthones. While all these Xanthones have similar molecular structures, each one has its own unique chemical composition that permits it to perform a specific function.

- Medical professionals who have used drugs like Vioxx, Celebrex and Phen-fen for treatment , have found them to have done more harm than good, or have done enough damage which far outweighed the benefits the drug or treatment provided. 

- Traditional Asian healers use Mangosteen to stop infection, treat inflammation, and increase one's energy, among others.

- Modern scientists and a growing number of health practitioners have found that Mangosteen is helpful in preventing and possibly even stopping a wide range of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease, cancer and other chronic diseases.

- Xanthones in Mangosteen helps strengthen
our immune system to keep trillions of cells in our bodies protected from disease-causing toxins, free radicals, viruses, bacteria, fungi and other harmful agents.

- Mangosteen also contains other potent natural compounds like catechins, polysaccharides, quinones, stilbenes and polyphenols.

- Its Catechins content were discovered to be five times more potent as antioxidants than vitamin C.

- Its Polysaccharides content makes Prime Juice a highly potent anti-cancer and anti-bacterial agent. They help block a mutated cell's ability to stick to healthy cells to help stop the spread of cancer, and are specially effective against intracellular bacteria.

- The Quinones in it  are known for their anti-bacterial properties and also are strong oxidants.

- Stilbenes also maintain their anti-fungal properties even when ingested. They also are strong antioxidants.

Polyphenols were found to be far more more potent as antioxidants than vitamin E considered one of the most powerful known antioxidants.

It's Goji Berry content makes a powerful anti antioxidant

- Helps maintain healthy blood pressure
- Reduces cholesterol
- Promotes normal blood sugar
- Improves your vision
- Supports healthy liver function
- prevents hepatitis
- Supports normal kidney function
- Strengthens your muscle & bones
- Helps chronic dry cough
- it beneficial for menopausal symptoms
- Improves fertility
- enhances sexual function
- alleviates anxiety & stress
- Improves disease resistance.
- Improves memory & recall ability
- Relieves insomnia and Improves quality of sleep

Independent scientific research studies and clinical experience all show the remarkable health benefits of Mangosteen. These studies reveal a Long List of Mangosteen Healing Properties

To sum it all up, here's a partial list of the 200-plus, mind-boggling Mangosteen medicinal benefits and properties from the catalog of prominent ethnobotanist, Dr. James Duke.

> Anti-aging - helps prevent aging
> Anti-allergenic - helps prevent allergic reactions
> Anti-arthritic – helps prevent arthritis
> Anti-atherosclerotic - helps prevent the hardening of the arteries
> Antibiotic - prevents or modulates bacterial infections
> Anti-calculitic - helps prevent kidney stones
> Anti-cataract - helps prevent cataracts
> Antidepressant – helps with depression
> Anti-diarrheal – helps with diarrhea
> Anti-fatigue - helps relieve fatigue
> Antifungal - prevents or modulates fungal infections
> Anti-glaucomic - helps prevent glaucoma
> Anti-Inflammatory – helps with inflammation
> Anti-lipidemic - helps lower blood fat
> Anti-neuralgic - helps in nerve pain
> Anti-obesity - helps in weight loss
> Anti-osteoporosis - helps prevent the loss of bone mass
> Antioxidant-rich – rich in antioxidants
> Anti-oxolytic - anti-anxiety
> Anti-Parkinson – helps with Parkinson's disease
> Anti-periodontic - helps prevent gum disease
> Antipyretic - helps lower fever
> Anti-tumor and cancer-preventive
> Anti-vertigo - helps prevent dizziness
> Antiviral - prevents or modulates viral infection
> Cardio-protective - helps in the protection of the heart
> Hypoglycemic - helps stabilize blood sugar >  > Hypotensive - helps lower blood pressure
> Immunostimulant – helps the immune system fight infection

UNO Ultima-C is a revolutionary yet natural Vitamin-C that is readily absorbed by the body cells. It's unique cellular actions are due to Vitamin-C metabolites that work to maximize cellular utilization of Vitamin C. 

> Sodium Ascorbate, Alkaline based (7.2-7.8 pH)
> 100% pure and natural  -  with binders (gawgaw)
> Dissolves 4x to 8x faster to quicker absorption
> Stays from 12 to 14 hours in the body
> Neutralizes acidity
> Non irritant to the stomach  
> Safe for babies
> Can be taken in mega doze for better health result
> 96% is absorbed by the body

It takes two fertile people to conceive a baby

The question is: 
~ How good is your seed?
~ How good is the soil?

For more info call/WhatsApp me on 08181025811


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